Eden Reforestation Project

“If we understand that our wealth is one-sided and that real prosperity is multidimensional, then our attitude to sustainability issues will change fundamentally. Sustainability then no longer means that we have to do without something, but rather that we can finally develop a way of life that meets our true needs.” – Vivian Dittmar (Founder Be The Change / Trees for Change)

“For millennia, it was normal for us humans to take from the earth without giving anything back to it. The worsening ecological crisis to which our behavior has led is a clear signal that our relationship with the earth must change. It’s time to grow up and realize the impact of our actions. This awareness marks a turning point. It is the moment when a new, mature love can awaken in our hearts. It makes us see the wounds, the traces of destruction and there comes a natural desire to contribute to their healing. With this comes a longing for a new human identity: what would it be like if we as humans were no longer a destructive presence on this planet, but a healing, life-enhancing one?” (Trees for Change)

Kijabe Baumschule
Eden Reforestation Project

Nepal Project

Kenya project